VPN Setup Guides

How to setup Wahoo VPN on Android device

    Download Wahoo VPN

  • From Google Play Store

    Search Wahoo VPN, then tap Install Button.
    android VPN setup1
  • Android APK

    You can also download apk file from the below icon
    apk icon

    Sign In

  1. We combine sign in and sign up into one flow. Just select sign in option that you want
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  2. For example, we use email sign in option.
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  3. Confirm the email you just input, then tap Confirm
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  4. Input six digital numbers that we send to your email.
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    VPN Connection Request

  1. When tap Connect button for the first time, you will get a request to setup up a VPN connection. Please tap OK button
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    Connect / Disconnect VPN

  • To connect VPN, just tap on the connection button.
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    If you you want to disconnect, just toggle the connection button again.

    Switch VPN server

  1. To Change vpn server, you tap on the server column.
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  2. To determine which server is fast, select the smaller ping number of the servers. Shooter ping times typically indicates faster server response.
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  3. (Optional) To refresh server list and account information, tap User on the bottom navigation bar first, then tap Refresh icon on the top navigation bar.
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